I’d like to have a set of secure coding guidelines for all my platforms

secure coding guidelines


Secure Coding Guidelines

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The importance of Secure Coding Guidelines

Minded Security releases Secure Coding Guidelines and checklists for all your coding languages. In this way it is possible to give standard guides to your outsourcer or developer teams. These guidelines specify how to code securely in order to avoid the introduction of vulnerabilities in your code.

In addition, having a Secure Coding Guideline helps introducing security in your secure software development life cycle and improves code quality especially in a situation when there is a high rate of employee turnover. Having secure coding guidelines in your organization is one of the aspects that are considered when measuring the maturity of your company’s software security strategies.

In which programming language

Each single guideline describes what is the problem, how to manage it and how you can implement the right solution using the programming language that you prefer. Minded Security has released several Secure Coding Guidelines for its customers covering programming languages like:

  • J2EE
  • .NET
  • PHP
  • JavaScript
  • …and many others

In addition, it is possible to customize your Secure Coding Guideline according to your company needs in order to have specific solutions for the frameworks you are using.


Implement the right DevSecOps automation and Continuous Web Application Scanning for your needs.

consulting minded security


We are a Consultancy Company focused in supporting Companies to develop secure products.

testing minded security


We performs software security analysis in white box mode and black box mode.

training minded security


Training and awareness in software security is critical for information security.